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The Admission Document for GENinCode upon admission to the AIM Market on 22 July 2021 is available in PDF format to download here.

Nominated Adviser and Broker

Cavendish Capital Markets Limited
One Bartholomew Close

Solicitors to the Company

Addleshaw Goddard LLP
107 West Regent Street
G2 2BA


Jeffreys Henry LLP
5-7 Cranwood Street


Link Asset Services
The Registry
34 Beckenham Road
Kent BR3 4TU

Reporting accountants

Crowe U.K. LLP
55 Ludgate Hill

Financial PR & Investor Relations

Walbrook PR
75 King William Street

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7933 8780

Email: [email protected]

GENinCode is a U.K. limited company specializing in risk assessment and prediction of cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a broad disease classification which includes coronary artery disease such as angina and myocardial infarction often referred to as heart attack. CVD also includes stroke, heart failure, hypertension, venous thromboembolism and other vascular heart diseases and is the leading cause of death and disability worldwide accounting for 1 in every 4 deaths in the United States.

GENinCode products provide genetic information to enable patients and healthcare practitioners to assess and predict the onset of cardiovascular disease. Our tests and reports help inform health care practitioners and patients of their health risk enabling behavioral and lifestyle changes alongside delivering the most effective treatment pathways.

GENinCode U.K. Limited was incorporated in September 2018 and subsequently acquired the products, assets and know-how of the Ferrer inCode and the Gendiag.exe businesses, then part of Ferrer, a large pharmaceutical and healthcare company based in Spain. GENinCode has a strong, granted intellectual property portfolio with a vision to educate patients on cardiovascular risk assessment using the predictive capability of GENinCode products and lifestyle choices to help improve patient outcomes.

GENinCode has amassed significant investment over the past 15 years in its research and development of predictive and preventative technology to cardiovascular disease.

GENinCode has developed a proprietary online cloud-based system Sitab® to integrate patients clinical and genetic data and provide online reporting capabilities to health care practitioners.

The Core Products of GENinCode Include:

  • Cardio inCode® - Score and Check® - Coronary predictive/risk assessment.
  • Thrombo inCode® - Hematology, Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and Oncology, Thrombosis (blood clots) predictive/risk assessment.
  • Lipid inCode® - Familial Hypercholesterolemia Diagnosis and risk stratification.
  • SudD inCode® - Hereditary Cardiomiopathies diagnosis, Risk assessment for sudden cardiac events.

GENinCode is a company incorporated in England and Wales under the Companies Act 2006 with the company number 11556598. The Company's main country of operations is the United Kingdom.

The Directors recognise the importance of sound corporate governance and confirm that, following Admission, they intend to comply with the QCA Code, (as devised by the QCA in consultation with a number of significant institutional small company investors). The Directors also confirm that, although compliance with the UK Corporate Governance Code is not compulsory for AIM companies, they intend to comply with the recommendations of the UK Corporate Governance Code where practicable, having regard to the current stage of development of the Company. Following Admission, the Board will comprise six Directors of which three are executives and three are non-executives, reflecting a blend of different experience and backgrounds. The Board considers two of the non-executives to be independent. The Company intends to appoint one further independent Non-Executive Director with appropriate knowledge and skills as soon as practicably possible following Admission and in any event within six months from Admission.

Following Admission, the Board will meet regularly to review, formulate and approve the Group’s strategy, budgets, and corporate actions and oversee the Group’s progress towards its goals. In accordance with the best practice, the Company has established Audit, Remuneration and Nomination committees with formally delegated duties and responsibilities and with written terms of reference. Each of these committees will meet as and when appropriate, but at least twice each year. From time to time separate committees may be set up by the Board to consider specific issues when the need arises.

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee assists the Board in discharging its responsibilities, within agreed terms of reference, with regard to corporate governance, financial reporting and external and internal audits and controls, including, amongst other things, reviewing the Group’s annual financial statements, reviewing and monitoring the extent of the non-audit services undertaken by external auditors, advising on the appointment of external auditors and reviewing the effectiveness of the Group’s internal controls and risk management systems. The ultimate responsibility for reviewing and approving the annual report and accounts and the half yearly reports remains with the Board. Membership of the Audit Committee compromises William Rhodes, Felix Frueh, and Huon Gray, and it is chaired by William Rhodes. The Audit Committee meets formally not less than two times every year and otherwise as required.

Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee is responsible, within agreed terms of reference, for establishing a formal and transparent procedure for developing policy on executive remuneration and to set the remuneration packages of individual Executive Directors. This includes agreeing with the Board the framework for remuneration of the Executive Directors, the company secretary, and such other members of the executive management of the Group as it is designated to consider. It is furthermore responsible for determining the total individual remuneration packages of each Executive Director including, where appropriate, bonuses, incentive payments and share options. No Director may be involved in any decision as to their own remuneration. The membership of the Remuneration Committee comprises William Rhodes, who chairs the committee, Huon Gray and Sergio Oliveró. The Remuneration Committee meets not less than twice a year and at such other times as the chairman of the committee shall require.

Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee has responsibility for reviewing the structure, size and composition of the Board and recommending to the Board any changes required for succession planning and for identifying and nominating (for approval of the Board) candidates to fill vacancies as and when they arise. The Nomination Committee is also responsible for reviewing the results of the Board performance evaluation process and making recommendations to the Board concerning suitable candidates for the role of senior independent director and the membership of the Board’s committees and the re-election of Directors at the annual general meeting. There is not currently a separate nominations committee as all decisions relating to the identification and nomination of Board positions are taken by the entire Board.

GENinCode has not applied or agreed to have any of its securities admitted or traded on any other exchanges or trading platforms.



GENinCode plc
One St. Peters Square
M2 3DE

There are no restrictions on the transfer of the Company's ordinary shares.

The number of shares in issue is 176,964,426.

Significant Shareholders

ShareholderNo. of ordinary shares% of issued share capital
Octopus Investments Limited31,255,67217.66%
Maven Income and Growth VCT123,611,86413.34%
Santi – 1990 SL20,190,18211.41%
Foresight Group LLP10,236,8645.78%

held via Maven Income and Growth plc, Maven Income and Growth VCT 3 plc, Maven Income and Growth VCT 4 plc and Maven Income and Growth VCT 5 plc
2 held via Downing 1 VCT plc and Downing 4 VCT plc.

Director Shareholdings

DirectorNo. of ordinary shares% of issued share capital
Jordi Puig1,214,602,5008.25%
Matthew Walls11,762,5006.65%
Sergio Olivero24,174,0002.36%
Huon Gray500,0000.28%
Felix Freuh100,0000.06%

1Aggregated with the interests of his wife, Sonia Rodriguez Clemente who holds 3,150,000 Ordinary Shares

2Jordi Puig and Sergio Olivero entered into an option agreement whereby Jordi Puig could call for the transfer of some or all of the Ordinary Shares in the capital of the Company held by Equipos Medico Biologicos S.A. Jordi Puig is therefore treated as being interested in such shares

* Paul Foulger’s wife, Laura Deegan, holds 868,182 shares in the Company representing 0.49% of the Company

Shares not in public hands

Insofar as it is aware, 60.50% of the Company's securities is not in public hands.

Statement of the Rights of Shareholders

The rights of shareholders are governed by UK law.

Restrictions in transfer of AIM securities

There are no restrictions on the transfer of the Company's ordinary shares.

The Company is subject to the provisions of the City Code on Takeover and Mergers.

Page last updated: 27 June 2024